Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School

Children's University

Our Lady of Lourdes is a Children’s University school! Sefton Children’s University recognises and reward children’s voluntary participation in learning activities and experiences outside the normal school curriculum.

At Our Lady of Lourdes we aim to provide a wide range of clubs that allow children to explore their interests and also cater for all abilities, whilst developing skills and boosting aspirations for the future. We offer a wide range of clubs such as; netball, tag rugby, athletics, football, multi-sports, art, choir, drama, dance, science, board games and many more!

Children attending those activities will gain credits which they can bank in order to gain sufficient credits to graduate. 1 credit is awarded for each hour of attendance. Children who gain sufficient credits by the end of a Key Stage (end of Year 6 or Year 2) will be invited to graduate from Sefton Children’s University at a special ceremony held at a local university.

Add Sefton Children’s University on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on activities in your area!

For information about the Children’s University Scheme at Our Lady of Lourdes and how to purchase a Passport for Learning, please click on the letter below.

Passport Letter