Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School

Pupil Voice

Our School Council 2023-24

Class Rep
1A Hannah
1BY Shenai
2G Orlaith
2F Joey
3B Leon
3DS Emma
4A Tallulah
4H Nabil
5C Kourtney
5TB Lacie
6J Corey
6RM Deegan
6W Abbi

 Our Recent Projects

At the start of each school year our KS1 and KS2 children hold their own School Council elections.

We teach the importance of our British values, democracy and tolerance. Each year, the children apply using our application forms below. A ballot is then held in each class to choose a representative.

School Council Projects

Southport Learning Partnership 

Over the past few years our school Council representatives have met with other representatives from other Primary and Secondary Schools from across the Southport area.

They meet to discuss the issues concerning our local community and environment. The Southport Learning Partnership hope that these meetings will allow children to voice their opinions and ideas and bring about positive change in our community.

SLP 2022 2023 New Logo Competition

This year we have been asked to design a new SLP logo. Entries need to be sent by 5th December 2022 for an overall winner!

SLP Events 2022 2023

SLP Rep Meeting Greenbank Highschool 1st December 2022

SLP Celebration Greenbank High School 28th June 2023

SLP Love My Community Day February 2023 (TBC)